So Raising Financial Freedom the podcast was started and then Nurturing Finance learning center was created later on. These two platforms are there to guide parents to teach their children to be better than them financially. No matter what level you are at financially starting will be the hardest part. So start now!

Host Thoughts

A large number of us grew up without financial literacy. Now we have children, and the same thing is repeating. Well, it’s time to stop that and break this chain. As parents, we are the first and last teachers they see before bed. We owe it to them and the future generations of our families to teach them better.
Currently, some states provide one class in economics and one in personal finance. There needs to be more, with big business marketing, social media teaching, and friends showing your child how to use their money daily. We are on the losing side of this battle. We need to give our children a Fin-lit Reflex so that good financial habits are the norm no matter what.
What People Say
I’d highly recommend this podcast to any parents out there who want to instill good financial values in their children. Thanks Eric for being such a great resource!
What a great Podcast, full of information. I’m a parent to three adults and I’m so relieved after listening to this podcast. The way he guide about everything related to finance is just amazing. I asked all my children to start listening to this podcast. Thank you for this show, I’m grateful.
Got here on one of my friend’s recommendation and i totally loved the show. Great source of information for new adults and their parents. i recommend this podcast to everyone on and off this field. Hats off to the show creators, well done!
This podcast is geared toward preparing the younger generation for a wealthy life, but you are a ”grown-up” needing to learn the fundamentals of financial security and wealth, this is a great podcast.
Listened to episode “Teaching Our Children Confidence”. Love the intro announcer and music. Great talk with Gabby Goodwin! Such a strong young girl with outstanding accomplishments. Showing us all that age is just a number.